Clinical Nutritionist Appointments
Clinical nutritionist, Rachel Salerno is available for appointments. She assesses your health history, lab tests, medications, and treatments and does a nutrition physical and other assessments to determine how to integrate food, lifestyle, and supplements to improve your health.
Rachel is not a doctor so she does not diagnose or prescribe medications or medical treatments.
Appointments are available by reservation. Arrangements can be made for in-office, telephone, or virtual video appointments. Click the appointment links to the right or call 405-751-3333 to schedule your appointment. Rachel charges by time. These fees do not cover recommended laboratory tests and supplements. Credit card payments are accepted. Insurance is not accepted or filed.
The Health Assessment Form is used to assess your health issues and will save time during the appointment. Please complete and submit this form prior to your appointment.

First, schedule Your Appointment
15-Minute Appointment – Get an answer to a question or two. Complimentary to new clients.
60-Minute Appointment – Assess most of your health challenges and provide a customized recommendation. $75
Second, complete and submit this Health Assessment form before your appointment.