Panacur C Fenbendazole Cancer Summary
Researched and written by Keith Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy 03/31/2021.
Many customers and clients are asking me about Panacur C dog heartworm treatment for cancer so I’m providing a summary of Joe Tippens’ protocol and a summary of the medical research on cancer and fenbendazole.
Joe Tippens has been taking fenbendazole as part of his cancer treatment for several years and has a blog discussing his cancer journey. The summary of his protocol follows:
- Fenbendazole as Panacur or Safe-guard canine dewormer. 1 Gram per day for 7 consecutive days per week. This is equal to 222 mg of fenbendazole. It appears to be better absorbed with food or meals. Monitor blood liver tests and decrease the dose if needed. If in remission decrease the dose to 1 gram per day for 3 consecutive days per week.
- Theracurmin HP: 1 capsule by mouth twice daily
- Cantek (American Wholesale Hemp) CBD Emerald 2,500mg: 1 dropperful under the tongue 1-2 times daily.
- Vitamin E has been removed from the protocol due to potential prolonged bleeding issues.
Fenbendazole has not been approved for human use and is not approved for cancer treatment. At the time I researched and wrote this article there were not any human cancer studies or trials with fenbendazole. Thus far research has been limited to laboratory human cancer cell and human cancer cells or tumors transplanted into animal studies. The research is lacking partially because this drug is only approved for animal use in the U.S. and it is a generic drug and therefore drug companies can’t recoup their research investment from expensive human trials. I doubt this drug will ever be developed for human use. I do expect similar medications in this drug class, Benzimidazole to be developed and approved for human use in the next 10 years.
Keith Bishop, CN, Bs Pharmacy
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