Sinus Pain

How to Attack Chronic Sinus Problems

Flourish specializes in compounded sinus medications made specifically for your personal needs, medical history, and sensitivities.
Flourish specializes in compounded sinus medications made specifically for your personal needs, medical history, and sensitivities.

Custom Compounded Sinus Solutions

Flourish specializes in compounded sinus medications made specifically for your personal needs, medical history, and sensitivities.  Custom medications include ingredients to combat bacteria, fungus, inflammation, and/or allergies.  Your sinusitis is in your sinus cavity, not your mouth or bloodstream.  That is why Flourish prepares treatments applied directly to the sinus cavity allowing the medications to work while minimizing the potential side effects that may occur when taking oral tablets or capsules. 

The pharmacists at Flourish are well-versed in interpreting culture and DNA sequencing results.  If your provider has performed either of these, we would be happy to collaborate with them and recommend treatment options specifically for you.   

Call today and talk with one of our pharmacists.  We are happy to answer your questions. 

  • Custom strengths and dosages to treat each unique patient
  • Delivery of medication via nasal irrigation system directly to sinus cavities
  • Unparalleled patient care with every prescription order

If you suffer from reoccurring sinus infections, sinus pain, and/or allergies you should talk with your provider about a custom compounded sinus irrigation.  Feel free to have your provider reach out to one of our pharmacists with any questions.

(405) 751-3333

Allergy Relief Tips

Monitor Local Pollen Levels

Flourish will frequently post allergy alerts on our Facebook page. Or click here for pollen levels in your area. Stay inside when the pollen count is high and it’s windy. If you do go out, be sure to shower and change clothes when returning indoors.

Change your ventilation filters and clean your fans

Installing a new, clean filter can help reduce allergens in your home. A new filter should last through the allergy season. Often forgotten, fans can accumulate a lot of dust. Be sure to clean them regularly to avoid the spread of allergens.

Ask About Compounded Prescriptions

Our sinus rinses can combine antifungals, antibiotics, corticosteroids, and antihistamines to provide relief directly to the sinus cavities.

Call us at 405-751-3333 and ask to speak to a pharmacist about adding this to your regimen.

Reference Source
Sandstead HH, Prasad AS. Zinc intake and resistance to H1N1 influenza. Am J Public Health. 2010 Jun;100(6):970-1.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in the Feel Better blog is for informational purposes only. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your health program.

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